Moriel currently teaches creative writing at Swarthmore College, where he is a Visiting Assistant Professor of English, and has taught creative writing (poetry and fiction) at University of the Arts in Philadelphia, at the University of Dayton and as guest faculty at the Miami Writers Institute. He taught 13 six-week workshops through the Catapult Writing Program, and in the Summer of 2020, he piloted an online course entitled “Writing a Novel with Recklessness and Rigor” through the Miami Book Fair, and has taught virtual and in-person workshops through a number other community and literary institutions.


“Moriel is a kind and generous teacher who leads by example to create a collaborative, nurturing workshop environment. Inspired by Moriel's example, everyone in the workshop offered insightful, nuanced, and perceptive feedback on one another's work that never veered into discouraging criticism. Moriel's engaging reading selections and creative writing exercises helped all of us to look at our projects with fresh eyes and break down the insurmountable task of writing a novel into manageable steps.”

Michele Host, Catapult Workshop Participant, Winter 2022

“Moriel's class exceeded all my expectations. I went into it unsure how to get back on track with my novel manuscript, and I emerged energized and excited again about my writing. I thought Moriel set a great tone for the class--accepting where each writer was in his or her process and creating a safe space to share in. Last but not least, I appreciated Moriel's sense of humor, and his exhortation to cultivate levity about this whole crazy business of novel writing. I highly recommend Moriel's class to others!”

Ellen Dreyer, Catapult Workshop Participant, Fall 2021

“Moriel is an incredible teacher, with a special gift for cultivating a comfortable, supportive atmosphere in his workshops. He combines wise lessons -- about writing recklessly and revising unsentimentally -- with incisive editorial observations on student work and an ability to foster productive conversation among students. I couldn't recommend his course more highly.”

Alec Gewirtz, Catapult Workshop Participant, Summer 2021

“Moriel is a wonderful teacher, and I gained so much from his workshop. He brought generosity, compassion, and energy to every class, and through the screen I felt the warmth of a real writing community. I learned from his thoughtful insight into both my own writing and my classmates'. I am leaving with a newfound confidence in my ability to ‘write recklessly’ and ‘edit unsentimentally.’ Finishing a draft of my novel feels achievable now.”

Maya Afilalo, Catapult Workshop Participant, Spring 2021

“Moriel was an engaging and wise guide on writing with playfulness and truth. He fostered a warm and welcoming sense of community during our class and gave feedback brimming with an insight that located the heart of each piece and exactly what it needed. I would absolutely take another workshop with him; my writing is now more focused and, at the same time, more free.”

Rebecca Clay, Catapult Workshop Participant, Winter 2020

"I recently completed Moriel Rothman-Zecher’s workshop, and the experience exceeded my expectations on every level. Moriel held space for each writer and encouraged us with tangible structure (developing a work plan) and valuable craft insights. The workshop was collaborative and playful, while also providing serious feedback for our writing submissions. I emerged from this class as a stronger writer, with a clear sense of how to finish my novel. I would love to take another class with Moriel!”

Asha Elias, Catapult Workshop Participant, Fall 2020

“Moriel is a wonderful teacher. He is a brilliant writer and is honest about the joys and challenges of his own creative process. Moriel is also an amazing mentor, generous with his time and attention, and thoughtful and sensitive about the difficulties his students are facing.

Suzanne Samuels, Catapult Workshop Participant, Fall 2019

“This class helped me get out of my writing rut and helped me see value in my writing. As a teacher, Moriel is extremely energetic, passionate, and uplifting which inspires students to remember why they started writing in the first place. Moriel made it a point to create a safe-space environment that encouraged all students to be respectful and inclusive of one another. Overall, he is genuinely a wonderful instructor who is willing to be vulnerable and honest with his students.”

Mary Lopez, MBF Online Workshop Participant, Summer 2020

“I loved Moriel's workshops. Moriel is someone who knows how to break down artistic concepts into digestible pieces anyone can understand and can bring out creativity in the shyest of participants. The workshop impacted me deeply.”

Coren Feldman, Heartbeat Jerusalem Workshop Participant, Fall 2016

"Moriel creates such an energizing and encouraging atmosphere in his classes. Reminding us of the imaginative joys of writing, while emphasizing the required discipline of the writing life, his class left me well-equipped for the long journey of writing a novel."

Jerome Blanco, Catapult Workshop Participant, Summer 2020

Writing a Novel with Recklessness and Rigor with Moriel Rothman-Zecher was a wonderful class that stayed true to its name. Moriel encouraged casting off my writing inhibitions while setting schedules for myself to accomplish the writing I wanted to do. I always felt that Moriel was engaging with the group sensitively and thoughtfully, giving advice when he had advice to give but also letting the group learn from each other. 

Isana Skeete, Miami Book Fair Online Workshop Participant, Summer 2020

“Moriel's course "How to Design a Work Plan to Finish Your Novel" is true to its work-a-day name, but it's actually so much more. With inspiring readings, generous workshops and discussions Moriel's course helped get me out of my novel writing doldrums and back into a more fun and playful place.”

Christina Kelly, Catapult Workshop Participant, Spring 2021

“Moriel is a great teacher and he brought such a nice energy into that room. I feel like I have a whole new perspective on my work and on working in general. I'm so glad I was able to be a part of this workshop."

Jana Banin, Miami Writers Institute Workshop Participant, Spring 2019

"Moriel’s class was wonderful! The energy he brought to class was palpable. I learned a great deal that I will put to use in my writing immediately."

Anne Osmer, Catapult Workshop Participant, Summer 2020

Writing a Novel with Recklessness and Rigor was a great course that provided us with tools to get over blocks and hurdles in our writing. The instructor, Moriel Rothman-Zecher, created a wonderful, supportive community of writers. I received helpful feedback on my writing and useful tools to continue on my own.

Maryanne Ramirez, MBF Online Workshop Participant, Summer 2020

“Moriel is an excellent teacher who is approachable and open with his own process. His ideas about writing recklessly and with abandon came at the perfect time for me in the course of a longer project that I'm working on, but I get the feeling that a writer at any stage would benefit from this insightful perspective on letting your creativity flow. His writing exercises were weird, surprising, and inspiring, they embodied the spirit of this class. This class started at a time of tremendous stress on each and every member of the class and Moriel gracefully navigated this unprecedented time we're living in (a cliché, but it's true!), using the texts he provided to help us make sense of the world we're living in.”

Patricia Azze, MBF Online Workshop Participant, Summer 2020

"What a joy it was to take a class with Moriel Rothman-Zecher as the instructor. Moriel is such a kind empathetic professional teacher, and so welcoming. He is knowledgeable about the craft and takes the time to answer any questions or concerns from the class. The class “Design a Work Plan to Finish Your Novel” was thoughtfully created with eclectic readings, exercises, and lectures. Each week had a focus on the steps to successfully finishing a novel. I walked away with a solid set of tools, and a fresh perspective. Moriel’s class was inclusive and gave everyone a voice. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience with my first catapult class. "

--Rachel, former Catapult student

“Moriel brings  a level of joy and playfulness to his workshops while stressing the discipline a writer needs to just write.”

Nicki van Vonno, MBF Online Workshop Participant, Summer 2020

"Moriel went out of his way to choose a selection of compelling readings across a diverse group of authors and genres. His feedback on our work was thoughtful, thorough, and encouraging, and motivated me to be a better writer. If you have a chance to take a class with Moriel, don’t pass it up!"

--Laura Kerkhoven, Catapult Workshop Participant, Winter 2022

“Moriel's class had a major impact on my writing. The class-devised work plan increased the consistency of my writing. Moriel's feedback was thoughtful and generous. I highly recommend taking this course!”

Kim Parker, Catapult Workshop Participant, Fall 2020

“Moriel was a kind, compassionate instructor who shared so many wonderful strategies for generating ideas and revision. It was a pleasure to take a class with him.”

Anne Boyd Rioux, Catapult Workshop Participant, Winter 2020